WSO2 has released new versions of their SOA platform products including WSO2 Governance Registry, WSO2 Identity Server, WSO2 ESB, WSO2 Web Service Application Server. This is a major version upgrade of these products introducing many features.
- Priority based mediation through priority executors
- WS-Discovery support and dynamic endpoint discovery
- Message Relay for efficient pass through of messages
- Component manager to install and uninstall features (provisioning support)
- Common Internet File System (CIFS) support through the VFS transport
- File locking functionality in the VFS transport to support concurrent polling
- Smooks mediator for efficient message transformation
- Enrich mediator for smart message manipulation
- OAuth mediator for 2-legged OAuth support
- Default endpoint UI
- Hot deploy and hot update configuration elements (sequences, endpoints, proxy services etc)
- Transport level statistics collection and monitoring
- POX security support
- Dependency detection and alerting for mediation configuration elements
- Mediation statistics API and custom mediation statistics consumers
- Multiple certificate/identity support in the NHTTP transport sender
- Improved logging capabilities for the NHTTP transport
- Templates based proxy service development in the UI
- Dashboard to monitor server environment and runtime
- Easy creation and management capabilities for dynamic sequences and endpoints
- Pagination to service management, endpoint management and sequence management UIs
- Obtaining resources like WSDL’s through web proxy servers
- Gadgets for impact analysis on services and registry resources
- WSDL custom view
- Dynamic Handler configuration
- Handler simulator
- Tree-based Resource view
- API to govern SOA artifacts
- Complete Web Services API for Registry
- Improved options for Service discovery
- WS-Discovery support
- Scripting support for lifecycle management
- Improved P2 based provisioning and feature management support
- Support for adding remote mounts
- Platform, and Group/Cluster based deployment model
- Support for multiple server instances
- E-mail verification for subscriptions
- Support for deleting tags and comments
- Support for PostgreSQL and DB2 DBMS
- Paged activity and resource search
- Hierarchical permission model with granular and extensible permissions
- Ability to upload metadata (in addition to importing)
- Governance Archive for uploading WSDLs and Schemas with imports
- Ability to update resource content by uploading
- Rich text editor for editing text resources
- XML editor for editing handler, lifecycle and service UI configurations
Web Service Application Server (WSO2 WSAS):
- Component Manager – The UI tool to install/uninstall Carbon featrues.
- Various bug fixes & enhancements including architectural improvements to Apache Axis2, Apache Rampart, Apache Sandesha2 , WSO2 Carbon & other projects.
- Equinox P2 based provisioning support – extend your WSAS instance by installin new P2 features. See P2 based provisioning in WSO2 Carbon
- Hierarchical service support for Axis2 services, JAX-WS services, Spring services & Jar services
- Report generation for deployed services
- SAML 2.0 based Single Sign-on support
- OAuth Support
- Support for bulk-user import
- Various bug fixes and enhancements including architectural improvements to Apache Axis2, Apache Rampart, Apache Sandesha2 , WSO2 Carbon and other projects.