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Category Archives: xml schema
WSF/PHP Code First Approach: Returning an Array of String
Here is a problem that many people have asked me how to do it. “Returning an array of string” with the code first approach. The API or WSDL generation annotation guide, http://wso2.org/project/wsf/php/2.0.0/docs/wsdl_generation_api.html contain all the things required in details. Here … Continue reading
Posted in php, SOA, Tutorial/Guide, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged code first, php, wsdl generation, wsf/php
Code Generate Custom SOAP Faults For Axis2/C
Web services use SOAP faults to report fault cases back to clients. The faults can be generated from the SOAP framework in a case of invalid SOAP messages, invalid security tokens or they can be generated from the service business … Continue reading
Posted in 2 minutes guide, adb, axis2/c, codegen, SOA, tool, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsdl2c, xml schema
Tagged axis2/c, custom, example, faults, handling, SOAP, throwing, WSDL, wsdl2c
Sending Binary with Apache Axis2/C ADB
Axis2/C ADB is a C language binding to the XML schema. ADB object model represents an XML specific to a given schema in a WSDL. You can use the Axis2 codegen tool to generate ADB codes for your WSDL and … Continue reading
Posted in adb, axis2/c, codegen, SOA, tool, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsdl2c, xml, xml schema
Tagged adb, axis2/c, base64 binary, binary, wsdl2c
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WS-SecurityPolicy With PHP
WS-SecurityPolicy specification defines standards for defining security policies for your web service. WSF/PHP allows you to declare your security policies according to these standards. You can take one of following approaches to associate policies to your web service or client. … Continue reading
Posted in DataServices, php, REST, security, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged php, policy, ws-policy, ws-security, ws-security policy, WSDL, wsf/php
WSF/PHP Test Cases Explained
WSO2 WSF/PHP comes with a comprehensive set of test cases. It covers the most of the basic/concrete scenarios supported by WSF/PHP. You can find these test cases inside the “src/tests” directory of WSF/PHP source package. Or you can find the … Continue reading
Posted in php, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml schema
Tagged basic, mtom, php, phpt, reliable messaging, rm, schema, security, test-suit, tests, WSDL, wsdl generation, wsdl mode, wsf/php
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WSF/PHP WSDL Mode – Handling XML Schema Arrays
In XML Schema we declare an array or a multiple occurrence of a schema element by setting its maxOccurs attribute to a value greater than 1 or to the value “unbounded” in a case of no maximum boundary. <xs:element maxOccurs=”unbounded” … Continue reading
Posted in Tutorial/Guide, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged arrays, maxOccurs, php, wsdl mode, wsdl2php, wsf/php, xml schema
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WSDL Generation From PHP – Using Different Names in WSDL and PHP Code
PHP2WSDL feature of the WSF/PHP allows you to generate the WSDL for your service when you access the URL formed by adding “?wsdl” to the service URL ( or you can use service URL + “?wsdl2” to access the wsdl … Continue reading
Posted in Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged class, classmap, different, names, operation, php, php2wsdl, schema, WSDL, wsf/php
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Coding Schema Inheritance in PHP
If you are thinking of writing a web service or a client based on a WSDL, you can easily generate the code for PHP or any other language using tools likes wsdl2php or other wsdl2xxx category tools. Then you don’t … Continue reading
Posted in Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged complexContent, complexType, extension, inheritance, php, restriction, schema, simpleContent, simpleType, WSDL, wsdl2php, wsf/php