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Tag Archives: REST
Apache Axis2/C RESTful URL Mapping Algorithm
Few weeks back I wrote a blog post about Writing RESTful Services in C which explain the use of Axis2/C REST API. Basically when you provide a HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE) and a HTTP URL, it is … Continue reading
Posted in algorithm, axis2/c, REST, RESTful, SOA, web services
Tagged algorithm, axis2/c, C, REST, time complexity
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WSF/PHP Samples Explained
Here is a simple categorization of the WSF/PHP samples. You can access all the wsf/php samples from http://labs.wso2.org/wsf/php/solutions/samples/index.html. Sample Category Example Client Source Code Example Service Source Code Online Demo Beginners echo_client.php echo_service.php Demo REST echo_client_rest.php echo_service_with_rest.php Demo WSDL Mode … Continue reading
Posted in DataServices, php, REST, security, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2
Tagged beginners, code first, contract first, data services, mtom, php, reliable messaging, REST, samples, security, WSDL, wsf/php
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Write RESTful Services in C
You can write REST as well as SOAP web services using Apache Axis2/C web services framework. There you can make existing Axis2/C web services RESTful just by providing the URL patterns and the HTTP methods to each operation in the … Continue reading
Posted in REST, RESTful, Tutorial/Guide, web services
Tagged axis2/c, C, REST, RESTful, services, services.xml
DEMO on a SOAP and REST Client with PHP
Last week I wrote a how to on Writing a SOAP and REST Service with PHP. It shows how to write a single script that enables the SOAP and REST web services interfaces using WSF/PHP. Today I’m going to show … Continue reading
Posted in REST, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/php, wso2
Tagged amazon, demo, REST, SOAP, WSClient
Writing a Simple REST and SOAP Service With PHP
WSF/PHP enables you to write both REST and SOAP services in PHP from a single script. I have written about how you can expose your Database as a REST and SOAP services in few of my previous posts using the … Continue reading
Posted in REST, RESTful, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/php, wso2
Tagged php, REST, RESTful, SOAP, Weather, wsf/php
The Design of the Twitter REST API
The REST API for Twitter is very simple to learn and implement. And it has a comprehensive documentation. Here is some selected operations to just to show its design. Note that here userid should be replaced with a valid twitter … Continue reading
RESTful CRUD Data Services Demo
When you are developing Web Service for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations you may find it is easy to implement it as RESTful service. In this Demo on RESTful CRUD Service You can have an idea how you develop … Continue reading
Posted in DataServices, REST, RESTful, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/php, wso2
Tagged applications, CRUD, data services, DataService, demo, php, REST, RESTful, wsf/php
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Do REST in PHP – PHP RESTful Data Services
In RESTful paradigm we give a piece of data ( or in other word ‘Resource’) a unique URL. And in order to manipulate data we use HTTP verbs POST/PUT (create, update), GET (read), DELETE (delete). For an example take the … Continue reading
Posted in DataServices, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/php, wso2
Tagged data services, DataService, DELETE, demo, GET, HTTP, POST, PUT, REST, RESTful, ROA, SOA, WOA