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Tag Archives: WSDL
Code Generate Custom SOAP Faults For Axis2/C
Web services use SOAP faults to report fault cases back to clients. The faults can be generated from the SOAP framework in a case of invalid SOAP messages, invalid security tokens or they can be generated from the service business … Continue reading
Posted in 2 minutes guide, adb, axis2/c, codegen, SOA, tool, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsdl2c, xml schema
Tagged axis2/c, custom, example, faults, handling, SOAP, throwing, WSDL, wsdl2c
WS-SecurityPolicy With PHP
WS-SecurityPolicy specification defines standards for defining security policies for your web service. WSF/PHP allows you to declare your security policies according to these standards. You can take one of following approaches to associate policies to your web service or client. … Continue reading
Posted in DataServices, php, REST, security, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged php, policy, ws-policy, ws-security, ws-security policy, WSDL, wsf/php
WSF/PHP Test Cases Explained
WSO2 WSF/PHP comes with a comprehensive set of test cases. It covers the most of the basic/concrete scenarios supported by WSF/PHP. You can find these test cases inside the “src/tests” directory of WSF/PHP source package. Or you can find the … Continue reading
Posted in php, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml schema
Tagged basic, mtom, php, phpt, reliable messaging, rm, schema, security, test-suit, tests, WSDL, wsdl generation, wsdl mode, wsf/php
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WSF/PHP Samples Explained
Here is a simple categorization of the WSF/PHP samples. You can access all the wsf/php samples from http://labs.wso2.org/wsf/php/solutions/samples/index.html. Sample Category Example Client Source Code Example Service Source Code Online Demo Beginners echo_client.php echo_service.php Demo REST echo_client_rest.php echo_service_with_rest.php Demo WSDL Mode … Continue reading
Posted in DataServices, php, REST, security, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2
Tagged beginners, code first, contract first, data services, mtom, php, reliable messaging, REST, samples, security, WSDL, wsf/php
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WSDL Generation From PHP – Using Different Names in WSDL and PHP Code
PHP2WSDL feature of the WSF/PHP allows you to generate the WSDL for your service when you access the URL formed by adding “?wsdl” to the service URL ( or you can use service URL + “?wsdl2” to access the wsdl … Continue reading
Posted in Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged class, classmap, different, names, operation, php, php2wsdl, schema, WSDL, wsf/php
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Coding Schema Inheritance in PHP
If you are thinking of writing a web service or a client based on a WSDL, you can easily generate the code for PHP or any other language using tools likes wsdl2php or other wsdl2xxx category tools. Then you don’t … Continue reading
Posted in Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema
Tagged complexContent, complexType, extension, inheritance, php, restriction, schema, simpleContent, simpleType, WSDL, wsdl2php, wsf/php
Demo on Providing PHP Web Service with Username Token
WSF/PHP Demo Site contains number of applications that demonstrate the different features of WSO2 WSF/PHP in practice. Calendar Service is one of such application. It demonstrate the use of WSDL Mode for a service with different policies for different operations … Continue reading
WSDL2PHP 2 Minutes Introduction
WSDL2PHP makes the development of web service providers and consumers quick and easy. I wrote a 2 minutes guide on developing web services providers sometimes ago. So lets concentrate on developing web service consumers here. Where is WSDL2PHP? WSDL2PHP script … Continue reading
Posted in 2 minutes guide, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml schema
Tagged 2 minutes, client, consumers, guide, WSClient, WSDL, wsdl2php, wsf/php
WSF/PHP WSDL Generation 2 Minutes Introduction
Whenever you deploy a service script in WSF/PHP you can access its WSDL by adding “?wsdl” or “?wsdl2” (for WSDL version 2.0) to the service endpoint. Anyway you may have noticed that for some services it will just list the … Continue reading
Posted in 2 minutes guide, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml schema
Tagged 2 minutes, annotations, WSDL, wsdl generation, wsf/php
How to Build Custom SOAP Headers in WSDL Using Axis2/C and WSF/PHP
SOAP Headers are used in many WS-* standards (for an example WS-Security) to transmit information related to the QOS aspects of the service. So only the SOAP engines which process these QOS parameters are supposed to see these headers. Web … Continue reading