Understanding OpenID – Slide Show

In this presentation, Prabath Siriwardena, the lead developer of the WSO2 Identity Solution, gives a comprehensive introduction to “OpenID”.

You can find more of his posts about OpenID in his blog http://blog.facilelogin.com/

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Mashup Server Screencasts

Jonathan Marsh, VP of Business Development of WSO2, recently released three screencasts explaining the features of WSO2 Mashup Server and how you can use these features in building your own Mashups.

The first screencast targeted at newbies to introduce the mashup concept and WSO2 Mashup Server and the next two videos present you the topics like “Scraping Web Pages” and “Service Composition” which are useful in building advance mashups.

You can view the high quality version of these videos from wso2.org. Here are the links

  1. Hello World
  2. Scraping Web Pages
  3. Service Composition

Getting Started With Hello World

How To Scrape a Web Page

Service Composition

Posted in mashup server, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wso2 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

XML Schema Simple Types & How WSDL2PHP Convert Them To PHP

As many of other languages, XML schema too have data types. Basically it can be categorized in to two groups.

  1. Simple Types
  2. Complex Types

The different between these 2 types are so easy to identify. Say you have a schema element with a simple type like this.

<xs:element name="xx" type="someSimpleType"/>

Then a possible xml to validate against this schema is


Inside the ‘xxx’ you can only find texts, But in a case of a  schema element with complex types,

<xs:element name="xx" type="someComplexType"/>

The XML will be set of nested elements.

  <zz>Nested elements</zz>

Simply complex type contains elements with simple types or complex types similar to the class types in OOP languages which contain member variables with different types.

But unlike most of the other languages, in schema simple types are not always primitive types. There can be user derived simple types as well.

I will talk about each of these variations in schema types and their PHP representation of WSDL2PHP tool.

  • Primitive Types & Built-in Types
  • List Types
  • Union Types
  • Faceted Types

Primitive Types & Built-in Types

The XML schema specification talks about 19 primitive types. Some of the common of these simple types and the corresponding PHP types generated by WSDL2PHP tool are,

Schema Type PHP Type
string string
boolean boolean
decimal float
float float
double double
duration string
dateTime string (from above wsf/php 2.0 it is an integer – representing timestamp)

You may have noticed the famous types like ‘integer’, ‘byte’, ‘short’ are missing out of the above list. In fact these types exist, but they are not primitive types. They are derived from decimal (special cases when the fraction digits are 0 :). Anyway still these types are considered built-in types in xml schema. Here is the complete list of built-in types (both primitive and non-primitive built-in types)

‘integer’, ‘byte’ and ‘short’ are mapped to PHP integer types by the WSDL2PHP tool.

To show an example how WSDL2PHP tool generating code for simple types, I will take the following schema Element.

<xs:element name="myName" type="xs:string"/>

And WSDL2PHP will generate a simple public variable (Assuming this is generating inside some class) for that element with a comment to describing it.

     * @var string
     public $myName;

So if I specified some value for the variable (Taking the variable name of the parent class is $parent),

$parent->myName = "James";

I will get the following nice XML.


This is the same approach for all the other built-in types as well.

List Types

The list types are derived from list of simple types. It still a simple type because it list all the element in the list as a white-space separated text inside the parent element.

Here is how you may declare a list type in an xml schema.

<xs:simpleType name="mylist">
    <xs:list itemType="xs:int"/>

<!-- example element to have the above list value -->
<xs:element name="xCoordinates" type="tns:mylist"/>

Then the WSDL2PHP generated PHP code would be something like,

     * @var array of int
    public $xCoordinates;

As the comment implies, you have to feed the values in an php array.

$parent->xCoordinates = array(1, 3, 8, 7, 9);

And Here is the XML you are getting,

<xCoordinates>1 3 8 7 9</xCoordinates>

Similarly you can have list of any simple types regardless whether it is built-in or derived.

Union Types

The union in schema is similar to the unions in ‘C’. In C variables of a union can have one (and not more than one) of the types declared inside the union type. Similarly in schema elements with union types can have one and only one simple type among the member types declared in the union. Here is an example of declaring union type,

<xs:simpleType name="myIntStringUnion">
    <xs:union memberTypes="xs:int xs:string"/>

<!-- example element to have the above union value -->
<xs:element name="garbage" type="tns:myIntStringUnion"/>

And the WSDl2PHP generated code,

     * @var int/string
    public $garbage;

So if you read the comment you can have an idea that this variable accept either ‘in’ or ‘string’ type without digging in to the WSDL.

Faceted Types

You can apply facets and restrict the value space of a simple type.

  • length
  • minLength
  • maxLength
  • pattern
  • enumeration
  • whiteSpace
  • maxInclusive
  • maxExclusive
  • minExclusive
  • minInclusive
  • totalDigits
  • fractionDigits

Some facets are specific to some built-in data types or types derived from these built-in datatypes. Here is a table of valid facets for each of the above mentioned catagory of types.

I have earlier blogged about how you work on faceted types in PHP in the post “Coding Schema Inheritance in PHP“. So Here I will list out a similar example  to demonstrate the PHP generated code by WSDL2PHP tool for facets.

Here is a schema with the ‘enumeration’ facet.

<!-- applying enumeration facet to the xs:string -->
<xs:simpleType name="mySubject">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
         <xs:enumeration value="Maths"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="Physics"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="Chemistry"/>

<!-- example element to have the above faceted value -->
<xs:element name="subject" type="tns:mySubject"/>

And here is the WSDL2PHP generated code,

     * @var string
     *     NOTE: subject should follow the following restrictions
     *     You can have one of the following value
     *     Maths
     *     Physics
     *     Chemistry
    public $subject;

It clearly says your variable ‘subject’ is only allowed to have the list of values mentioned in the ‘enumeration’.

So I just wrote about some variations of simple schema types and how they are represented in the WSDL2PHP generated code. As you may have observed, you don’t need to know any thing about the WSDL or the schema to write a PHP code around that, since WSDL2PHP gives you a generated code mentioning all the guidelines, restrictions about using them.

Posted in php, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

WSF/PHP Test Cases Explained

WSO2 WSF/PHP comes with a comprehensive set of test cases. It covers the most of the basic/concrete scenarios supported by WSF/PHP. You can find these test cases inside the “src/tests” directory of WSF/PHP source package. Or you can find the latest test-suite from the SVN location.

Here are some aspects covered in the test-suit.

Scenario Test Cases For Client Test Cases For Service
Basic Functionality echo_client*.phptmath_*.phpt samples/echo_service*.php
Basic Schema Types BasicDataTypes/*.phpt services/BasicTypesDoclitBSvc/*.php
Complex Schema Types cmplxDataTypes/*.phpt services/ComplexDataTypesWSvc/*.php
WSDL/Schema Variations wsdl_mode/*.phpt services/wsdl_mode/*.php
WSDL Generation with Annotations wsdl_generation/*.phpt services/wsdl_generation/*.php
Reliable Messaging echo_rm*.phpt samples/echo_service_rm*.php
Security echo_encrypt_client*.phptecho_signing_client*.phpt






MTOM mtom_*.phpt samples/mtom/*.php

(Note that Here ‘*’ is used as a wild card represent 0 or many characters)

Steps to Run Tests

  • First you need to install WSF/PHP correctly. Please read the WSF/PHP installation manual for that.
  • You have to have the ‘pear’ utility tool comes with PHP. And add this to the PATH environment variable.
  • Copy the samples and src/tests/samples/services directory (paths are relative to the root directory of the wsf/php package) to the web root directory.
  • Then go to the src/tests directory and execute the following command.
    pear run-tests -r

    This will execute all the test cases under the ‘tests’ directory and finally give a summery of the test results.

  • You can run individual test cases separately by providing the relative path to the test case from the ‘test’ directory. E.g. To run the echo_client.phpt test case, you may type
    pear run-tests samples/echo_client.phpt

If you like to add test cases for the WSF/PHP scenarios, follow this comprehensive guideline titled Writing Simple phpt Test Scripts For PHP Web Services.

Posted in php, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml schema | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

WSF/PHP Samples Explained

Here is a simple categorization of the WSF/PHP samples. You can access all the wsf/php samples from http://labs.wso2.org/wsf/php/solutions/samples/index.html.

Sample Category Example Client Source Code Example Service Source Code Online Demo
Beginners echo_client.php echo_service.php Demo
REST echo_client_rest.php echo_service_with_rest.php Demo
WSDL Mode (Contract First) wsdl_11_client.php wsdl_11_service.php Demo
WSDL Generation (Code First) doclit_client.php doclit_service.php Demo
MTOM Attachments mtom_download_client.php mtom_download_service.php Demo
Security encryption_client.php encryption_service.php Demo
Reliable Messaging echo_client_rm.php echo_service_rm.php Demo
Data Services CustomerDetailsClient.php CustomerDetailsService.php Demo

If you have downloaded the WSF/PHP binaries or souce code package you can find all these samples, inside the ‘samples’ directory

Posted in DataServices, php, REST, security, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Use of MySQL ‘GROUP BY’ to Derive Statistics

We use ‘GROUP BY’ SQL construct to query the data with aggregating some rows according to a field. For an example say if your blog database store your blogs in a table call ‘Blog’ and it has ‘Date’ as a field. If so

SELECT count(*) FROM Blog GROUP BY Date

will give you a set of numbers that represent the number of blog you posted each day.

SELECT Date, count(*) FROM Blog GROUP BY Date

will give you a map of ‘date’ to ‘number of blog posted for that date’ without much trouble. 

Anyway the problem is most of the databases of blogs don’t just keep the ‘date’ for a blog, rather it keep both ‘date and time’ (say in a field called ‘Time’). But you still want to group by date. You may use the MySQL ‘DATE’ function to convert the ‘Date and Time value’ to just ‘Date’ and use it in GROUP BY statement.

SELECT Date, count(*) FROM Blog GROUP BY DATE(Time)

If you take Drupal for a blog database, it save the time of the blog entry as a unix timestamp. So you have to derive the Date from the timestamp using the infamous FROM_UNIXTIME mysql function,

In Drupal the database table name to store blog is ‘node’ and the field name to store the create time is ‘created’ . So your query to get statistics of Drupal would be something like this.

SELECT DATE( FROM_UNIXTIME(`created`)), count(*)
FROM `node`

Rather than converting the timestamp to SQL Date format, You can convert Date to timestamp and your sql statement may look little mathematical.

UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) ) - `created` ) / ( 24 *60 *60 )
), count( * )
FROM `node`
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) ) - `created` ) / ( 24 *60 *60 )

In fact the expression “UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) )`created` ) / ( 24 *60 *60 )” derives a number that represent the age of the post in days.

So this way you can derive statistics of your data with the use of ‘GROUP BY” construct. The ability to write complex queries in SQL syntax like this is really useful, specially when you access a remote database through a web services (i.e. Data Services) or using database drivers, you have to minimize the number of sql queries to execute as minimum as possible.

Here are some of the other aggregate function that you may use with GROUP BY, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-functions.html

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Sending Custom SOAP Headers in PHP Web Services

Few months ago, I blogged about How you represent custom headers in a WSDL. In there I mentioned, WSF/PHP is going to support sending and handling custom SOAP headers with the 2.0 release which was released early September. Today I will write how how to use this new feature in your Web Service Client.

In order to do the comparison I will show you how you could send Custom SOAP headers before WSF/PHP 2.0.

Preparing Custom SOAP Headers Manually

Before 2.0 you have to prepare the custom SOAP headers manually. For that you could use the WSHeader object.

Say you want to create the following message for your WSDL. (I excluded the headers and payload namespaces for the clarity)

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">

Here is how you prepare it using WSMessage and WSHeader objects.

// request payload
$requestPayloadString = <<<XML

// creation of two headers
$header1 = new WSHeader(array(
			"name" => "Header1",
			"data" => array(
				new WSHeader(array("name" => "string",
						"data" => "test1")),
				new WSHeader(array("name" => "int",
						"data" => "5")))));

$header2 = new WSHeader(array(
			"name" => "Header2",
			"data" => array(
				new WSHeader(array("name" => "int",
						"data" => "6")),
				new WSHeader(array("name" => "string",
						"data" => "test2")))));

// you prepare the soap message = request payload + two input headers
$request_msg = new WSMessage($requestPayloadString,
			array("inputHeaders" => array($header1, $header2)));

// create the WSClient with the endpoint
$client = new WSClient(array( "to" => "http://localhost/header_echo_service.php" ));

// do the request with the WSMessage instance as the request argument
$responseMessage = $client->request($request_msg);

// print the response
printf("Response = %s <br>", htmlspecialchars($responseMessage->str));

As you can see you are preparing hierarchical tree of WSHeaders to prepare the SOAP message. Anyway after 2.0 you don’t need to write this much of code to get the work done.

Preparing Custom SOAP Headers in WSDL Mode

If you have a WSDL it is so easy to start by generating the initial code from the WSDL2PHP tool. If I take the WSDL from my old post about custom headers in WSDL WSDL2PHP tool will generate the following set of classes.

class Header1 {

     * @var string
    public $string;

     * @var int
    public $int;


class Header2 {

     * @var int
    public $int;

     * @var string
    public $string;


And you will get the following piece of code with the Note “TODO” where you need to fill the input fields and retrive the output values from the operation.

    // create input object and set values
    //TODO: fill $input with (data type: string) data to match your business logic

    $header_in0 = new Header1();
    // TODO: fill in the class fields of $header_in0 object which is of type Header1 to match your business logic

    $header_in1 = new Header2();
    // TODO: fill in the class fields of $header_in1 object which is of type Header2 to match your business logic

    // call the operation
    $response = $proxy->echoString($input, $header_in0, $header_in1, &$header_out0, &$header_out1);
    //TODO: Implement business logic to consume $response, which is of type string

    // TODO: Implement business logic to consume $header_out0 object, which is of type class Header1

    // TODO: Implement business logic to consume $header_out1 object, which is of type class Header2

After I follow the guidelines in the comment, My code looks so simple and little like this,

    // create input object and set values
    $input = "Hello"; // I filled $input with a string

    $header_in0 = new Header1(); // I m filling the header1
    $header_in0->string = "test1";
    $header_in0->int = 5;

    $header_in1 = new Header2(); // now the header2;
    $header_in1->string = "test2";
    $header_in1->int = 6;

    // call the operation
    $response = $proxy->echoString($input, $header_in0, $header_in1, &$header_out0, &$header_out1);

    // echoing the response payload which of type string
    echo $response;

    // echoing the $header_out0 object, which is of type class Header1
    echo "output header0 contains {$header_out0->string} and {$header_out0->int}";

    // echoing the $header_out1 object, which is of type class Header2
    echo "output header1 contains {$header_out1->string} and {$header_out1->int}";

There the headers are PHP class objects. You fill the public variables of the classes and pass them to the ‘echoString’ operation. Although it looks like it call just a php function named ‘echoString’, it actually invoke the web service operation named ‘echoString’, with the request payload and custom SOAP headers. It returns the response payload value + the output headers to the references we passed as the last 2 arguments.

So with WSF/PHP 2.0 you can use WSDL mode and WSDL2PHP tool to send payload with custom headers with a little and quick code.

Posted in php, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml schema | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Triple Equal Operator and NULL in PHP

A PHP variable has a value and a type. In most practice cases we consider only about the value of the variable. But there may be times we have to consider the type of the variable as well.

For an example value NULL (or 0 or whatever of following you like  to call it) can be assigned to a variable with different types like this.

$x = NULL; NULL data type. Yea it is the real NULL.
$x = 0; Integer data type.
$x = 0.0; Float data type.
$x = FALSE; Boolean data type.
$x = “”; String data type.

You can check the operator ‘===’ (triple equal operator) to check equality of both their values and types simultaneously.

You can have a good idea about this by looking at the following piece of code.

// lets check the equality of NULL and 0 with
// double equal operator
if(NULL == 0) {
	echo "NULL == 0 is TRUE</br>";
else {
	echo "NULL == 0 is FALSE</br>";

// now lets check the equality of NULL and 0 with
// triple equal operator
if(NULL === 0) {
	echo "NULL === 0 is TRUE</br>";
else {
	echo "NULL === 0 is FALSE</br>";

This will eventually print the following result.

NULL == 0 is TRUE
NULL === 0 is FALSE

PHP variables including class variables get the NULL value and NULL type by default. So if no one assign them a value it remains NULL.

So in a case you have to check for unused variables (or for “NULL”-ness of a variable) you should always use the triple equal operator (===) with NULL token. Otherwise you may mistakenly treat not NULL things like ‘0’ or empty string (“”) as null that may have been valid data for your application.

Posted in php, Tutorial/Guide | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

Sending And Handling Faults From PHP Web Service

Web Service can response with a Fault in 2 occasions.

  1. Fault send by the web service framework. (E.g. Invalid authentication, invalid signature found)
  2. Fault send by the user business logic.

There is a slightly difference in the content of SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2. But they mainly contain the following elements.

  1. Code – A code to represent the classification of the fault. Possible fault codes can be found, http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part1/#faultcodes
  2. Reason – A human readable details of the reason.
  3. Details – More information about the details, mostly supposed to be read by the client application.
  4. Role – Indicates which SOAP header caused the fault. This is very rarely used in faults send from the business logic.

Sending SOAP Faults

In WSF/PHP you have the WSFault class to deal with SOAP faults. You can send a fault in your service logic by throwing an instance of WSFault class like this.

 * divide mathematical operation
 * @param int $dividend
 * (maps to xs:int)
 * @param int $divisor
 * (maps to xs:int)
 * @return float $result
 * (maps to xs:float)
function divide($dividend, $divisor)
	// dividing from 0 is invalid, we wil *throw* fault in such cases..
	if($divisor == 0) {
		throw new WSFault("Sender", "dividing from 0 is invalid");

	$result = (float)$dividend/$divisor;

	return array("result" => $result);

Here I have throw an WSFault whenever I encounter my divisor is zero. And the WSF/PHP will take care of building the SOAP message according to the given version (default is to SOAP 1.2) and send back to the client.

Handling SOAP Faults

Similar to the service, client API also treat the SOAP fault as an instance of WSFault. So whenever you do a web service request, put inside try, catch block so you can catch exception in case of fault is received. Here is an example of handling fault while calling the divide operation in the above example.

// creating the client, we retrieved the wsdl from service url + ?wsdl
$client = new WSClient(array(
			"wsdl" => "http://localhost/myblog/fault_service.php?wsdl"));

$proxy = $client->getProxy();

try {
	// calling the operation
	$response = $proxy->divide(array("dividend" => 5, "divisor" => 0));

	// printing the result
	echo $response["result"];

} catch(Exception $e) {

	// if the instance is WSFault we print the code and the reason
	if ($e instanceof WSFault) {
        printf("Soap Fault Reason: %s\n", $e->Reason);
        printf("Soap Fault Code: %s \n", $e->Code);
	} else {
		printf("Message = %s\n",$e->getMessage());

As you can see WSF/PHP covers the complexity of building and handling SOAP faults, Rather it gives you an API with the use of PHP Exception Construct that you already familiar with.

Posted in Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

ScreenCast – How to Consume a Web Service Using WSF/PHP

You can watch a Screencast on How to Consume a Web Service Using WSF/PHP from WSO2 Oxygent Tank developer portal.

There I have presented the steps you need to follow to consume a web service. I choose US National Digital Forecasting database Web Service as my example service to write the demo client.

This screencast contains,

  1. Where to find the Service documentation + WSDL and what are the information available in there.
  2. How to generate the PHP client from the WSDL using wsdlphp tool.
  3. What is in the php file generated from the wsdl2php tool and how you select the required operations to invoke.
  4. How to fill the input parameter for the web service operation
  5. How to handle the response returned from the service.
  6. Finally It shows some different ways the data that you are extracting from the service, can be presented to your user.
Posted in screencast, Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment