WSF/PHP Services Performance test with WSDL Caching

WSDL Caching is first introduced with the WSF/PHP 2.0.0 release to optimize the response time of PHP web services. In WSDL Caching WSF/PHP keeps an intermediate XML model which is generated from the WSDL in memory. This intermediate model which we call as ‘SIG’ or ‘Signature’ model is generated at the first request to the service. This SIG can be generated using an XSLT template from any WSDL 2.0. So if you provide a WSDL version 1.1, WSF/PHP first convert it to a WSDL 2.0 using another XSLT template and then generate the SIG model. So in generally when WSDL caching is used it avoids two XSLT parses and hence optimize the response time significantly.

In this blog, I will show you a result of some performance tests I did to measure the response time of a service with and without WSDL Caching.

The complete source codes used for the test can be found from here.

Here is a part of the service script I used. It is a simple echo service that echo a string.

	// create service in WSDL mode
	$service = new WSService(array ("wsdl" =>"echo.wsdl",
			"cacheWSDL" => false, // By default cache WSDL is true
			"actions" => $actions,
			"operations" => $operations));

	// getting the start_time
	$start_time = microtime(true);

	// process client requests and reply 

	// getting the end time
	$end_time = microtime(true);

	// getting the time difference
	$time_diff = $end_time - $start_time;


You can see in there I have set the “cacheWSDL” to false and log the time taken by the $service->reply() function. Later I have set the “cacheWSDL” to true and measure the time again for the comparison with earlier values.

I have written a client to invoke the service 10 times. And I’m going to measure the time taken do the client request in there.

	    for($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i ++) {
		// create client in WSDL mode
		$client = new WSClient(array ("wsdl" =>"echo.wsdl"));

		// get proxy object reference form client 
		$proxy = $client->getProxy();

		// create input object and set values
		//TODO: fill $input with (data type: string) data to match your business logic
		$input = "Hello World";

		// getting the start_time
		$start_time = microtime(true);

		// call the operation
		$response = $proxy->myEcho($input);
		//TODO: Implement business logic to consume $response, which is of type string

		// getting the end time
		$end_time = microtime(true);

		// getting the time difference
		$time_diff = $end_time - $start_time;


		echo $response."</br>";


Then I have measured the time taken to first 10 request for both WSDL caching on and off scenarios just after starting the Apache server.

Without WSDL Caching With WSDL Caching
WSClient Operation invocation
WSService reply
WSClient Operation invocation
WSService reply
0.11091995239258 0.074313163757324 0.15158987045288 0.11872982978821
0.082005977630615 0.06772780418396 0.046205997467041 0.035470008850098
0.082638025283813 0.072394132614136 0.044647932052612 0.028353929519653
0.079883098602295 0.06883692741394 0.037378072738647 0.026839017868042
0.082012176513672 0.068314790725708 0.046517133712769 0.035148859024048
0.074619054794312 0.063674211502075 0.041852951049805 0.027253866195679
0.084127187728882 0.071602821350098 0.041593074798584 0.027820825576782
0.081571102142334 0.066971063613892 0.057910919189453 0.038385152816772
0.087567090988159 0.073211193084717 0.043420076370239 0.02738094329834
0.078658103942871 0.064589977264404 0.050504922866821 0.037022113800049

If you obvious these values you will figure out when you don’t use WSDL caching it takes same amount of time to server each request. But when you turn on WSDL caching it takes a little more time at the very first request, but the subsequent requests take very low values.

Here is the chart for the above Data, See the Green and White lines corresponding to the WSDL caching turn on, have taken low values. In average we can observe a 50% reduction in server response time with the WSDL caching.

Response Time With and Without WSDL Caching

Response Time With and Without WSDL Caching

This result is for a very simple WSDL which only had an echo operation. When the WSDL get more complex and contain lot of wsdl/schema includes and imports, we can expect more optimization due to the WSDL caching. We will check how the complexity of the WSDL affect the performance in a later blog post.:)

Posted in perfomance test, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

WSF/PHP WSDL Mode – Handling XML Schema Arrays

In XML Schema we declare an array or a multiple occurrence of a schema element by setting its maxOccurs attribute to a value greater than 1 or to the value “unbounded” in a case of no maximum boundary.

<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded"

If you generate PHP code to such a schema using wsdl2php tool, you will get a code for the class variable named “params” similar to this.

     * @var array[0, unbounded] of int
    public $params;

So if you have a variable (say $object) for the object of this class you can fill the “params” field like this,

$object->params = array(1, 5, 8);

This will create the xml with the expected array of elements.


Not only for simple types, you can have arrays of complex types too.

<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded"

Instead of giving simple integers like earlier case, this time you will feed the “params” variable with an array of PHP objects of ‘MyComplexType’ class.

$obj1 = new MyComplexType();
/* feeding data to obj1 variables */

$obj2 = new MyComplexType();
/* feeding data to obj2 variables */

$obj3 = new MyComplexType();
/* feeding data to obj3 variables */

$object->params = array($obj1, $obj2, $obj3);

This will create a xml containing array of params similar to this,

        <elementx/> <!-- elements in the MyComplexType type -->
        ... <!-- elements in the MyComplexType type -->
        ... <!-- elements in the MyComplexType type -->
Posted in Tutorial/Guide, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

WSDL Generation From PHP – Using Different Names in WSDL and PHP Code

PHP2WSDL feature of the WSF/PHP allows you to generate the WSDL for your service when you access the URL formed by adding “?wsdl” to the service URL ( or you can use service URL + “?wsdl2” to access the wsdl version 2.0). It will generate the schema types for the wsdl from the classes you use to build the request message + the annotations you provided describing the types of the variables.

Sometime you may need to generate schema types with different names to the corresponding PHP classes. May be you need to have a ‘-‘ in the schema type which is not valid in PHP class syntax or you like to have a different naming convention for PHP and wsdl.  Similarly you may need to have the operation names different in the WSDL and the PHP code.

Here is how you do it with WSF/PHP.

Different Names for Operations

 * Service logic for the echo operation
 * @namespace
 * @param object testObject $param
 * @return object testObject $return
function echoMe($param) {
  return $param;

/* The Service operation name to PHP function name map */
$operations = array("echo" => "echoMe");

There I want my actual operation name to be echo. But I can’t declare a function name echo since PHP already has a library function echo (Yea, the one you regularly use to echo output). So I don’t have option other than declaring a function with different name (here it is “echoMe”) and mapped it in to echo operation in the operation map. We are going to feed this $operation variable at the WSService creation as its constructor argument.

Lets see how different names are used in schema types and corresponding php class names.

Different names for Types and Classes

 * @namespace
class testObject {

	 * @var integer aint
	public $aint;

	 * @var string astring
	public $astring;

/* The mapping of schema types to PHP class */
$classmap = array("test-object" => "testObject");

It is similar how we mapped operation in the previous section. Just use $classmap variable which map the schema type name to the php class name.

Here is the type section and the interface section of the WSDL 2.0 generated using above codes. Observe the operation names and the types names are formed the way we expected.

    <xsd:schema xmlns:ns0=""
      <xsd:import namespace=""/>
      <xsd:element name="param" type="ns0:test-object"/>
      <xsd:element name="return" type="ns1:test-object"/>
    <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
      <xsd:complexType name="test-object">
          <xsd:element name="aint" type="xsd:integer"/>
          <xsd:element name="astring" type="xsd:string"/>
  <interface name="myEchoPortType">
    <operation name="echo" pattern="">
      <input element="tnx:param"/>
      <output element="tnx:return"/>

Here is the complete code (Combining all the previously mentioned code segments). You can check the complete wsdl generation (wsdl  1.1 or wsdl 2.0 as your preference) by copying and pasting this code to the online php2wsdl generator at the WSF/PHP Demo Site.


 * Service logic for the echo operation
 * @namespace
 * @param object testObject $param
 * @return object testObject $return
function echoMe($param) {
  return $param;

 * @namespace
class testObject {

	 * @var integer aint
	public $aint;

	 * @var string astring
	public $astring;

/* The Service operation name to PHP function name map */
$operations = array("echo" => "echoMe");

/* Telling that we input MIX types for the parameters */
$opParams = array("echo" => "MIXED");

/* The mapping of schema types to PHP class */
$classmap = array("test-object" => "testObject");

/* Creating the WSService and serving the Request */
$service = new WSService(array(
			"operations" => $operations,
			"classmap" => $classmap,
			"opParams" => $opParams,
			"serviceName" => "myEcho"));


Posted in Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Book on RESTful PHP Web Services

Samisa Abeysinghe who is the director of engineering at WSO2 and one of the key leaders of the WSF/PHP project has published a book titled RESTful PHP Web Services.

RESTful PHP Web Services - Samisa Abeysinghe

RESTful PHP Web Services - Samisa Abeysinghe

In Samisa’s Blog He describes the structure and the content of the book in his own words.

If you are developing RESTful web services in PHP, you will find this book will be a great reference.

Posted in REST, RESTful, web services, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Coding Schema Inheritance in PHP

If you are thinking of writing a web service or a client based on a WSDL, you can easily generate the code for PHP or any other language using tools likes wsdl2php or other wsdl2xxx category tools. Then you don’t need to really worry about what is the schema of the WSDL or any other finer details. But sometime it may useful to know how different schema constructs are generated in PHP level so you can have a good idea when you are using them. This post describes How inheritance is used in XML Schema and how it is mapped to PHP code from wsdl2php tool in WSF/PHP.

There are several ways that one schema type can inherit another type.  Here are some names use to refer them.

  • SimpleType Restriction – Forming simple type by restricting another simple type
  • SimpleContent Extension – Forming complex type by extending a simple type
  • ComplexContent Extension – Forming complex type by extending another complex type

Note that here the word ‘type’ always refers to a schema type.

It is not straight forward to do a one to one map from these schema structures to a PHP or some other language. But wsdl2php tool does that keeping the simplicity and preserving the original meaning. Lets see how it is done for each of the above mentioned methods of inheriting.

SimpleType Restriction

You can create a simple type by restricting some values of another simple type. Here is an example.

            <!-- derivedType from applying
              simple type restriction for xs:string -->
            <xs:simpleType name="derivedType">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                    <xs:enumeration value="a"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="ab"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="abc"/>
                    <xs:enumeration value="abcd"/>

Here the derivedType is a string, but it can only have values “a”, “ab”, “abc” and “abcd”. This restriction have used the “enumeration” (which we call a facet) to restrict the possible values. You can use other facets like length, minLength, MaxLength and so on. Here are the complete list of facets in the schema specification.

So lets see hows this is mapped to a PHP code. Here we assume this type is used in an schema element called ‘input’.

     * @var string
     *     NOTE: $input should follow the following restrictions
     *     You can have one of the following value
     *     a
     *     ab
     *     abc
     *     abcd
     public $input;

Note that here it does not say anything about the ‘derivedType’. Rather it says it is of type “String” which is a PHP type and in addition it has some restrictions, or rules when assigning values.

Although it could have been possible to use getters and setters to impose these rules, this uses just a comment about the rules because this way it is really easy the use the variable.

Say we have another type (say derievedType2) restricting the ‘derievedType’, that type will have the combination of restrictions of both types.

Here is the xml schema representation of the ‘derievedType2’.

            <!-- derivedType2-->
            <xs:simpleType name="derivedType2">
                <xs:restriction base="tns:derivedType">
                    <xs:maxLength value="3"/>
                    <xs:minLength value="2"/>

And if input2 have that type, the php code will look like this, (Note that it has the combination of rules).

     * @var string
     *     NOTE: $input2 should follow the following restrictions
     *     You can have one of the following value
     *     a
     *     ab
     *     abc
     *     abcd
     *     Your length of the value should be
     *     Greater than 2
     *     Less than 3
     public $input2;

I have highlighted the additional rules compared with $input, so you can see the difference.

SimpleContent Extension

Simple Content extension is extending a simple type to make a complex type. Say we have an element (say with the name “mystring”) and it has “xs:string” simple type.

<xs:element name="mystring" type="xs:string"/>

And here is a valid xml with this schema.

<mystring>this can contain only string</mystring>

So if I say I’m going to make a complex type extending this simple type you may think that I’m going to add element in to that. In fact I will create a complex type by adding an attribute.

<mystring myint="3">this can contain only string</mystring>

The schema to this xml will be something like this. (Note that I have assumed there is an schema element named “mystring” with the type “myStringType”)

            <xs:complexType name="myStringType">
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                        <xs:attribute name="myint" type="xs:int"/>

The PHP generated code for this schema is something like this,

class myStringType {

     * @var int
    public $myint;

    // The "value" represents the element 'myStringType' value..

     * @var string
    public $value;


So as you can see it creates a PHP class for that schema type with member variables for each attributes and finally for the value of the parent type. So in order to represent the above mentioned xml, you will use the following PHP code.

$type = new myStringType();

$type->myint = 3;
$type->value = "this can contain only string";

Next we will look at the inheritance with complexContent Extension.

ComplexContent Extension

This is to create a complex type by inheriting another complexType.

            <!-- the parent type -->
            <xs:complexType name="parentType">
                    <xs:element name="demo3" type="xs:int"/>
                    <xs:element name="demo4" type="xs:string"/>

            <!-- the child type -->
            <xs:complexType name="childType">
                    <xs:extension base="tns:parentType">
                            <xs:element name="demo1" type="xs:int"/>
                            <xs:element name="demo2" type="xs:string"/>

So here the childType will inherit the ‘demo3’ and ‘demo4’ elements from the parent type. We will see how is the PHP generated code looks like.

class parentType {

     * @var int
    public $demo3;

     * @var string
    public $demo4;


class childType extends parentType {

     * @var int
    public $demo1;

     * @var string
    public $demo2;


It has uses the PHP inheritance to reprensent the schema inheritance. And the nice thing is you can use the childType for the places you have to use the parentType.  That is the theoy we learn at the inheritance class of other languages (Java, C++) too.

So say there is another complexType (say “anotherChildType”) inheriting from the type “parentType” and one another complexType (say “nextLevelChildType”) inheriting this time from “childType” (which in fact inheriting from the “parentType” as mentioned above).

So our types tree would be something like this.

--- parentType
         +-------- childType
         |              |
         |              +------------- nexLevelChildType
         +-------- anotherChildType

And lets say there is a schema element called ‘input3’ with the type parentType. Then the generated variable for the input3 element will be like following code segment.

     * @var (object)parentType
     *    Or one of following derived class(es)
     *       childType
     *       nextLevelChildType
     *       anotherChildType
    public $input3;

This comment tells you that you can actually use the inherited types in place of the parent type according to your preferences.

Posted in Tutorial/Guide, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2, xml, xml schema | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Demo on Consuming Flickr, Yahoo and Amazon Search Web Services

WSF/PHP Demo Site contains number of sample web service applications which demonstrate the different features of WSF/PHP. From these demos, Mashup Search Demo demonstrate  the use of  publicly available web services to create a search mashup in your web site.

This demo consists of 3 public web services namely Flickr, Yahoo and Amazon.

Flickr Yahoo Amazon
Service Documentation Page Flickr API Docs
Yahoo API Docs
Amazon API Docs
Registration for Key Flickr API registration
Yahoo API registration
Amazon API Registration
Source code for sample consumer Flickr Demo Source
Yahoo Demo Source
Amazon Demo Source
PHP class used FlickrClient YahooClient AmazonClient
Available Operations
  • photosTextSearch
  • photosTagSearch
  • webSearch
  • newsSearch
  • imageSearch
  • localSearch
  • itemSearch
  • itemLookup
Posted in REST, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Write RESTful Services in C

You can write REST as well as SOAP web services using Apache Axis2/C web services framework. There you can make existing Axis2/C web services RESTful just by providing the URL patterns and the HTTP methods to each operation in  the services.xml which act as a simple descriptor for an Axis2/C service.

So if we rewrite the RESTful Demo (Written in PHP) using Axis2/C, the services.xml would be something like following.

<service name="RESTfulSchool">
    <!-- mentioning the service library-->
    <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false">RESTfulSchool</parameter>

    <!-- some description -->
        The RESTful School demo

    <!-- list of operations -->
    <operation name="getSubjects">
            <parameter name="RESTMethod">GET</parameter>
            <parameter name="RESTLocation">subjects</parameter>
    <operation name="getSubjectInfoPerName">
            <parameter name="RESTMethod">GET</parameter>
            <parameter name="RESTLocation">subjects/{name}</parameter>
    <operation name="getStudents">
            <parameter name="RESTMethod">GET</parameter>
            <parameter name="RESTLocation">students</parameter>
    <operation name="getStudentInfoPerName">
            <parameter name="RESTMethod">GET</parameter>
            <parameter name="RESTLocation">students/{name}</parameter>
    <operation name="getMarksPerSubjectPerStudent">
            <parameter name="RESTMethod">GET</parameter>
            <parameter name="RESTLocation">students/{student}/marks/{subject}</parameter>

We will check how to write the service logic for a operation like “getMarksPerSubjectPerStudent”.

axiom_node_t *
    const axutil_env_t * env,
    axiom_node_t * request_payload)
    axiom_node_t *student_node = NULL;
    axiom_node_t *subject_node = NULL;

    /* Extracting out the child nodes from the request */
    student_node = axiom_node_get_first_child(request_payload, env);
    subject_node = axiom_node_get_next_sibling(student_node, env);

    /* now we can write the logic to retrieve the marks
       for the given student and subject and build and
       return the response payload */

    return response_payload;

As you can see the variables {student} and {subject} given in the services.xml can be easily accessed from your business logic, so we can build the response accordingly.

This way you can build a RESTful web services easily using C language.

Posted in REST, RESTful, Tutorial/Guide, web services | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Write an Adsense Widget for your WordPress Blog on Your Own

It is really easy to write a widget to the wordpress blog. So I thought of writing my own widget to show Google ads in my Blog. Here is how I did it.

  1. First generate the JavaScript code for your adsense account from the Google Adsense Page. You can do this by sigining in to the Dashboard of Adsense from Then click the “Adsense Setup” tab and follow the wizard.
  2. Inside the “wp-content/plugins” directory of your WordPress installation create a file for your plugin. (Say myadsense_widget.php)
  3. Then first write the code that should be appeared in your widget.  In this case you can just echo the the code provide by the Google. Anyway In order to make your widget complaint with the current theme, you have to use the code similar to the following.
    // the function for the widget
    function widget_myadsense($args) {
    	// being aware of the theme
    	echo $before_widget;
    	echo $before_title . "Google Adsense". $after_title;
    	// here you just echo the code provided by the google 
    	echo <<<GOOGLE_JS
    		<!-- in this space you have to copy paste
                    the code provided by the google-->
    	// again being aware of the theme
    	echo $after_widget;
  4. Then write the code to register the above function as a widget with the following piece of code.
    // initiating widget
    function myadsense_init()
    	register_sidebar_widget(__('My Adsense'), 'widget_myadsense');
    // adding the action
    add_action("plugins_loaded", "myadsense_init");
  5. We are almost done here, But don’t forget you can mention your information as the widget plugin author with a comment similar to the following template.
    Plugin Name: MyAdsense
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Adsense Plugin for my blog
    Author: Dimuthu Gamage
    Version: 0.1
    Author URI:
  6. That is all you have to code. Now just go the Plugins section of the wordpress from your Dashboard and enable the plugin (“myadsesne”) you just created.
  7. Go to the Design->Widget section and add your Widget to the Sidebar and click “Save Changes”. And go to your blog URL and make sure that the Ads are shown in there.
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DEMO on a SOAP and REST Client with PHP

Last week I wrote a how to on Writing a SOAP and REST Service with PHP. It shows how to write a single script that enables the SOAP and REST web services interfaces using WSF/PHP. Today I’m going to show you how you can use WSF/PHP to write clients in both SOAP and REST form.

For that I use the Amazon Client Demo hosted in the PHP Web Services Demo Site. With this demo you can do shopping with Amazon using their web services API. It uses a php library (AmazonClient.php) that allows us to connect Amazon using SOAP or REST libraries.

You can see in the library code It is using different values for “useSOAP” argument depending on what form of messaging we like to use. Amazon SOAP service uses the SOAP 1.1 and the REST service uses the “GET” HTTP method for messaging. We can configure these details as mentioned in the following table.

      "useSOAP" => FALSE)
      "useSOAP" => "1.1",
      "action" => "")

Since Amazon requires different request messages for SOAP and REST services, we have to create them separately depending on the request type. But the response returns by the service is same in both cases so we can handle it using the same code.

Here is how ItemLookup operation of the Amazon service is written within the above mentioned constrains.

     * ItemLookup
     * @param $ASIN Amaxon Item Id
     * @return associate array consist of the response parameters
    public function ItemLookup($ASIN)

             $req_payload = <<<XML
                <ItemLookup xmlns="">
             $req_payload = <<<XML
                <ItemLookup xmlns="">

        $ret_message = $this->request($req_payload);

        $simplexml = new SimpleXMLElement($ret_message->str);

        $res = $simplexml;

        return $res;
Posted in REST, Tutorial/Guide, web services, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Demo on Providing PHP Web Service with Username Token

WSF/PHP Demo Site contains number of applications that demonstrate the different features of WSO2 WSF/PHP in practice. Calendar Service is one of such application. It demonstrate the use of WSDL Mode for a service with different policies for different operations + the use of Username tokens.

You can view the source code of the Calendar Service from here.

The username token is provided as an arguments to the WSService constructor at the end of the service script.

// our security token
$security_token = new WSSecurityToken(array("passwordCallback" => "get_password",
                                      "passwordType" => "plain"));
// create service in WSDL mode
$service = new WSService(array ("wsdl" =>"Calendar.wsdl",
        "actions" => $actions,
        "classmap" => $class_map,
        "securityToken" => $security_token,
        "operations" => $operations));

// process client requests and reply 

We use a callback function (“get_password”) to validate the user and give that function name to the securityToken object constructor. Inside that callback function, we retrieve the password for the user from a database call. Here is the code inside the callback function that is again extracted out from the calendar service.

 * call back function.
 * verify the validity of user enterd password with
 * the actual password which is kept in the database.
$current_username = "";
function get_password($username)

    $dbhost = DB_HOST;
    $dbname = DB_NAME;
    $dbuname = DB_USERNAME;
    $dbpass = DB_PASSWORD;
    $link=mysql_connect($dbhost,  $dbuname,  $dbpass);
    mysql_select_db($dbname, $link);

    $sql="SELECT password FROM `customer_details` WHERE `user_name` = '".$username."'";
    $password=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);

    global $current_username;
    if($password) {
         $current_username = $username;
         return $password[0];
    else {
         $current_username = "";
         return NULL;

So for all the operations which require authentication like login, getEvents, deleteEvents and addEvent, the WSF/PHP engine validate the user before invoking the operation. If the authentication fails, the engine will send a SOAP fault with the fault details. But in this service there is a operation which doesn’t require authentication. That is the ‘register’ operation. Because until the registration complete you can’t have a username password, so we should not authenticate that ‘register’ operation. So we need to provide a different policy for the ‘register’ operation.

The policies for each of the operation is declared in the Calender.wsdl itself.  If you look at the WSDL you can see each of the policies required by the operations are declared inside the policy elements as mentioned in WS-Policy Specification. And each of the operation refers the corresponding policy element from the binding section of the WSDL.

You can see how it is done for login (which requires authentication) and the register (which doesn’t requires authentication) from the code below.

        <wsdl:operation name="login">
            <soap12:operation soapAction="urn:login" style="document"/>
                <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#username_token_policy"/>
                <soap12:body use="literal"/>
                <soap12:body use="literal"/>
        <wsdl:operation name="register">
            <soap12:operation soapAction="urn:register" style="document"/>
                <soap12:body use="literal"/>
                <soap12:body use="literal"/>
Posted in security, web services, WSDL, wsf/php, wso2 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment